The Biggest Dogs in the World
Let’s face it, some people like their pets big! If you are looking for a large dog there are a number of breeds which are generally referred to as giants. Be careful, though – you should only consider these breeds if you have lots of space, lots of time and quite a deal of money. The Ark in Space takes a look at the giants of the canine world.
The English Mastiff
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The dog is often used to guard, but makes a wonderful domestic pet as well. It is said that the face gives away the character if the dog and that is the case with the English Mastiff. It is very affectionate to its owners but combines both courage and dignity and will protect its owner from unfamiliar people with a polite but determined maneuver which puts the dog between the stranger and its owner. It is great with children and smaller dogs and will become firmly attached to the family unit to which it is introduced. A surprisingly gentle dog, it does have a tendency towards laziness if left to its own devices to a program of daily, regular and prolonged exercise is recommended to keep it in trim.
The Irish Wolfhound (see below) usually takes the prize as the world’s tallest dog but the record at the moment is with a Great Dane by the name of Gibson who is a staggering 42.3 inches tall – a good ten inches taller than the average English Mastiff. As such the Great Dane is known as the ‘Apollo of all breeds’ and its history is thought to go back (perhaps) three thousand years. There are drawings on Egyptian tombs from this period that strongly resemble the Great Dane. The modern breed is thought to originate in either Denmark (hence the name) or, most likely Germany. Toon lovers will of course know the breed as the Scooby Doo dog!
The breed comes in a variety of colors from the common fawn and brindle to the harlequin which is a white coat with black tear patches over the entire body (a white neck is particularly sought out by owners – see Stella above). Although it is intimidatingly tall the Great Dane has an extremely friendly temperament and get on well with people, other dogs (and other pets!) alike. Some Great Danes can have certain dominance issues, which is true of pretty much each and every species of dog – and of course, supervision around young kids is essential. The Great Dane has a slow metabolism and needs a great deal of exercise to keep it in trim. A common misconception is that they do not need a lot of exercise as they generally plod along in a fairly docile way. The opposite is true – they need lots. Great Danes do suffer from some breed specific disorders and can sometimes be born blind, deaf or both.
The Irish Wolfhound
As such the Irish Wolfhound, more than many giant dogs can be trusted with children. They will also put up with quite a lot of ear and tail pulling (if your kids can reach) with patience and a sweet temper. They are very open to training and are of a generous and caring nature. They will – if you are out walking with them and are attacked – pretty much see off your attacker: despite their reluctance to guard they will be fearless if you are threatened. The great shame is that they are not long lived and at maximum you can hope for ten years. As with other dogs of this size they do need a lot of exercise and although originally a country dog they do take to urban living pretty well.
The Scottish Deerhound
Otherwise simply known as a Deerhound this lesser known giant breed looks like a rough coated greyhound but it is their size which distinguishes them. The history of the breed goes back to pre-Roman times and it is thought that the Scots and the Picts kept this breed to hunt deer (hence the name!). These dogs are about the friendliest you will ever meet and so, like the Irish Wolfhound, is not the best dog if you want something to guard your home. They are very eager to please and their gentle bearing means that they are loved the world over by their owners. When young, though Deerhounds get bored extremely easily and have a sort of canine ADHD which means that if you do not exercise them sufficiently you will probably come home to find your house looking like a burglar really has been there.
Living up to eleven years, these dogs like nothing more than spending the day stretched out or sleeping on your largest couch. However, it must be exercised regularly and properly and although it enjoys the company of humans this is a breed that really needs a companion with its own DNA in order to be fully happy. In other words, this dog can pine on its own but will be perfectly happy in a pair. Like all the other breeds in this article they are fine with children but should be supervised with small ones as, due to their size, they can inadvertently knock toddlers down which will distress both dog and child.
The Newfoundland

ImageCredit Flickr User Vigneron
The St Bernard
Originally a working dog, the St Bernard originates in the Swiss Alps where it was used in Mountain Rescue. It is a very large dog and can grow up to thirty six inches in height with a coat that can be both rough or smooth. They make wonderful pets but it is vital that thorough training takes place when the dog is young as they can be boisterous and need to be ready to take commands and be willingly controlled.
They are good with kids as long as the above is taken in to account. If you are looking for a dog for protection they are not the ideal choice. They will bark at intruders but that is about it – though of course their sheer size (like other dogs here) will probably act as a deterrent. If it were not for the St Bernard we might not have the soccer team Manchester United. In 1902 the team was about to go bankrupt and so held a fundraiser. The Captain of the team, Harry Stafford, brought his St Bernard and it drew the attention of JH Davis – an extremely wealthy brewery magnate. Davis wanted to buy the dog which Stafford refused. However, he did silver tongue Davis in to buying the entire club.
The Leonberger
From Leonberg in south west Germany this dog was bred – according to local legend – as a symbol of the lion in the crest of the town. So it is that this most leonine of dogs came in to being and the breed is gorgeous. The dog is extremely large but has an air of European elegance about it which makes it popular in well to do households. The male usually carries a lion like mane and they can reach up to thirty inches in height.
This is a very cool dog – almost unflappable – and unlike most of the dogs on this list the Leonberger can be used as a guard dog – albeit a mild one. When in a tight spot the Leonberger will use his size and weight to protect his owner rather than his teeth. This makes the breed sound a little aggressive but the Leonberger will imprint deeply and quickly on to his adopted human family. A very agile dog, the Leonberger needs a lot of exercise and often astounds it owners by its athleticism, especially considering the size of the breed. Until properly trained the dog can be a little like the St Bernard – over energetic and somewhat willful but after the third year usually calms down and becomes the gentle giant that this breed is known to be.
The Neapolitan Mastiff
This dog has history! Often used as a guard dog, its breed goes way back to the time of the Roman legions – it is just a shame there weren’t a few in the Gladiator movie. It seems that they were trained up by Roman Legions to fight alongside them. They wore harnesses upon which were sewn in spikes and blades. The Neapolitan Mastiff would then run under the horses of the enemy horses and disembowel them. They don’t do that today.
If you want a fearless guard dog that also really does prefer to be with the family rather than outside in a kennel then this could be the dog for you. However, it is not a dog for beginners and is not appropriate if you have small children. Proper training, because of its size, is paramount. If you think the ‘alpha roll’ training method will work on this breed, think again. Unless the dog is thoroughly socialized and trained they will be aggressive to strangers and other dogs in to adulthood.
Thank you so much for sharing this very nice post. I also like the post i read somewhere about top 10 biggest dogs in the world.